Generate AWS credentials

Step 1:

Step 2:

  • Click on “Services” at the top left. Search for “IAM” and click on the link.

Step 3:

  • On the left hand Dashboard click on the “Users” link.

Step 4:

  • Click on “Add User” button.

Step 5:

  • A) Choose a User name. It might be helpful to choose something that reminds you of trimcloud. ex: your_name+trimcloud or company_name+trimcloud.
  • B) Check “Programmatic Access”.
  • C) Click on “Next: Permissions”.

Step 6:

  • A) Set your permissions. Most users chose the “Attach existing policies directly” option.
  • B) In the search bar, search for “ReadOnlyAccess”. You must scroll down to get to “ReadOnlyAccess”. Select this option.
  • C) Click on “Next:Tags”.

Step 7:

  • (Optional) Add tags as you see fit. Click on “Next:Review”.

Step 8:

  • Review your selections and click on “Create User.”

Step 9:

  • Copy and paste your AWS credentials (key and secret) into trimcloud's Account Set-up form. Note: we recommend doing this immediately after you “Create User”. The secret will not be shown once you leave the page.

Step 10:

  • You can test your AWS credentials here, to check if you generated them properly.