Questions our customers have asked.

We use a read-only AWS Access Key ID and Secret Access Key to query for all your AWS resources in all regions to check for their idleness.

Yes. You generate a very limited read-only key that only allows trimcloud to do very minimal monitoring of your systems. trimcloud will not be able to modify any of your systems or read any of the actual data on your systems. In addition, we store this key in a secure database.

Click here to learn how to generate read-only credentials.

We ask that you provide us with READ only credentials for your security. We will only perform innocuous monitoring actions such as checking the CPU usage of your instances. Please follow the question above on how to generate READ only AWS credentials.

In the current version of trimcloud, this is how we define an idle resource:

  • Idle EC2 == under 5% CPU utilization for a continuous 24 hour period.
  • Idle RDS == 0 database connections for a continuous 24 hour period.
  • Idle Elastic IP == not associated to an EC2 instance or associated to an EC2 instance that is no longer running.
  • Idle Lambda Function == 0 invocations for a continuous 1 week period.

Currently trimcloud checks for idle resources once every 24 hour period, at 9AM EST. If you’d like to customize this, please email us at support@trimcloud.io.

Coming soon!!

We will use the slack webhook to notify you about your idle resources, if you select this option. When you have idle resources we will notify you about them, with a link that will take you directly to your AWS console to see which resources are idle. When you don't have idle resources, we will notify you and let you know that you are all good!

  1. Log into your slack account at https://slack.com.
  2. In the slack app, click the down arrow button at the top left corner. You will see a dropdown menu.
  3. Click on the “Settings & Administration” button and then click on “Workspace Settings” link.
  4. Click on the “Permissions” tab.
  5. Scroll down and find “Apps & Custom Integrations” and click on the link “Manage permissions for apps and integrations in the App Directory”.
  6. Now you should see a search bar at the top. Type in “Incoming Webhooks”. You should see it come up in real time search. Click on it.
  7. Click on the “Add to Slack” button on the left hand side.
  8. Choose a channel that trimcloud should post your notifications to.
  9. Click on “Add Incoming WebHooks Integration”.
  10. A unique link will be generated for trimcloud. Copy and paste this link into trimcloud's Account set up form.

Your email address is your account login, we use it to identify you and also if you need to reset your password. In addition, we will (optionally) send you email notifications about your_name-trimcloud idle instances. This is configurable on your account page.

Read about it here!

Currently, trimcloud notifies you about your idle resources once every 24 hours.

We will use your organization display name to identify your AWS resources. Some people manage both their company AWS servers + their personal AWS servers. For that reason, in order to help them make the distinction we use your 'Organization Display Name' to identify the account, when we notify you about your idle resources.

Nope! Sit back and relax. trimcloud magic happens in our backend.

Click here to reset your password.

Once you are logged in, on your home page there is a tab for editing your account. It is pre-filled with your current data. Just update whichever item you want.